Sometimes I feel I don't listen well. :(

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It takes conscious egolessness to listen well. And poetry readings can be about stirring agitation which is the opposite of calm clarity.

For myself being trapped in seats makes it harder to hear. If I can pace around the back of the room I can hear better.

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Interested in that Y-factor - context? - that might give us half a chance to connect with someone , and also in the value of not lifting our mask, letting others go ahead with their masking.

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Context is part, a bubbled zeitgeist. Right, time, place and people. But something, factor-z, in readings beyond it. People echoing each other, off-gassing a body chemistry in the room that catches majority in synched breathing and laughter and being present. The mass entering a shared experience. Maybe that’s why hecklers and scoffers are so disruptive. It breaks an unspoken quorum to enter a moment. The willingness to synch with one another in a sort of equality makes a community.

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